Sumeet Singh

Variable Scopes in Python

Variable scope is an interesting, useful, and easy-to-understand concept that a python programmer must know before dealing with variables and functions. In this tutorial, we will discuss what scopes are, the types of scopes python has, and we will understand the keywords global and nonlocal. What is a scope? The scope of a function, class,

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Double-Ended Queue in Python

A Double-Ended Queue is a data structure that is used to store a collection of items that are meant to be in a queue. It is an extension of the queue data structure with some additional features. Pre-Requisite: Queue A queue is a data structure that is used to store a collection of items in

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Circular Linked Lists in Python

Circular Linked Lists are data structures that are used to store lists. It is very similar to linked lists but with a few extra features. In this tutorial, we will discuss what a circular linked list is, we will implement it in python and see its output. Pre-Requisite: Understanding of Linked List We must first

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