How to play music in Python?

Hello fellow learner! Today we are going to learn how to play music in Python using a few simple lines of code. Method 1: The playsound module The playsound library is a cross platform module that can play audio files. This doesn’t have any dependencies, simply install the library using the pip command and you

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Python: Wikipedia Module

Hello fellow learner! Today in this tutorial, we are going to learn about a new module named Wikipedia which can be used to get information about anything required. So let’s get started. Introduction to the Wikipedia Module in Python Python’s Wikipedia module can be used to fetch a bunch of information from the Wikipedia website

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Python: Faker Module

Hey there! Today we are going to learn about the Faker module which is going to be very interesting to learn. So let’s begin! Introduction to the faker module Faker module is used to generate random data including random attributes like name, age, location, etc. Now the question is why would one need Fake data?

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