Python Emoji Module: A Complete Guide

Featured Img Emoji Module

Hey, there fellow learner! Today we will be learning something fun! We will be taking a look at the emoji module in python.

So let’s begin!

Emojis in Modern Communication

In today’s world, people communicate their emotions through emojis rather than typing out long passages. Emojis have become a major part of our day-to-day communication with each other.

Today in this tutorial I will be teaching you how to print emojis on your own using simple code lines and the emoji the module of python.

Using the Emoji Module to Print Emojis

In Python, you can utilize the emoji module to print emojis in your code. To do this, import the emoji module and use the emojize() and demojize() functions to convert text to emojis and vice versa. You can also print emojis using their Unicode values.

Before using the emoji module, you need to install it using pip. Open your terminal or command prompt and type the pip command to install the emoji module:

pip install emoji

Once the installation is complete, you can import the emoji module in your Python script.

If any error occurs while importing, we need to install the module using the pip command on the command prompt.

To print an emoji on the screen, we will be using the emojize() function, which takes the CLDR short name of the emoji enclosed within colons (e.g., ‘:emoji_name:’) as a parameter.

The function automatically returns the emoji as a result.

If for some reason you don’t know the text for a particular emoji, we can use the demojize() function and pass the emoji as a parameter.

Here’s a Python program to print emojis:

import emoji
print(emoji.emojize("Hello there friend! :grinning_face_with_big_eyes:"))

The output of the code is shown below. You can see the first function converted emoji to text while the second function converted text to emoji.

Hello there friend! 😃

Also read: Converting Bytes to Ascii or Unicode

Understanding Unicode for Emojis

Instead of using emoji names, we can directly use the Unicode value for an emoji. Every emoji has a unique Unicode value that can be used to represent it.

You can get the Unicode for any emoji from this website. All we need to do is replace the + in the Unicode with 000 to get the correct Unicode.

Printing emoji using Unicode is very simple which doesn’t require any function other than the print statement along with a backslash (\) before the Unicode to print the emoji.

The code below displays printing a bunch of emojis together with the help of unicodes.

print("\U0001F680 \U0001F649 \U0001F698 \U0001F6C1")

The output of the code above is as follows:

🚀 🙉 🚘 🛁


What are unicodes?

Unicodes are a standardized system of identifying and encoding characters from various writing systems around the world. Each character is assigned a unique number or code point, enabling computers and other devices to display and recognize them regardless of the language or script used. Unicodes include characters from languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, and Latin, among others. They are widely used in software development, web design, and other digital applications.

Where can I find the Emoji Cheat Sheet?

To find the appropriate text or Unicode representation for a specific emoji, you can use an emoji cheat sheet. Websites like Emojipedia or the Unicode Emoji List provide comprehensive lists of emojis and their corresponding text and Unicode values. This can be helpful when you need to find a specific emoji for your project.


In this tutorial, we explored how to use the Python emoji module to print emojis and their corresponding Unicode values. This versatile tool can enhance your text-based projects and add a touch of fun to your code. What creative ways can you think of to incorporate emojis into your Python projects?