Repeating a Video on Loop using OpenCV and Python

Loop Video Feature

In the digital age, videos are the most common form of communication, entertainment, and learning. But occasionally, the need arises to give these dynamic images a dash of fascinating continuity. An engaging and captivating experience is produced with a method that skillfully repeats the playback, which is the art of looping videos. Python has a powerful computer vision package, OpenCV, through which this effect can be achieved.

In this article, a dynamic flair will be given to your multimedia projects as we set out on a journey to find how to easily loop videos using Python and OpenCV

Looping Videos and Its Application

In modern multimedia, there are many applications for looping video. Brand messages are reinforced with brief looping advertisements, which enable dynamic marketing campaigns. Consistent content delivery is assured to improve digital signage in public by looping films. These movies mix in with event backgrounds without any effort, creating a rich atmosphere.

In art installations, where videos respond to audience participation, looping’s interactive potential is clearly visible. Education benefits from simplifying complex ideas with looping movies. Live performances are enhanced, which improves the audience’s experience in terms of entertainment. For advanced internet culture such as GIFs and memes, they serve as the basis. Education, marketing, art, and digital communication also use this versatile tool called looping.

OpenCV with Python

The Python programming language has a set of powerful and flexible image and video processing tools called OpenCV. Understanding visual data and the tools and functions used to examine and modify it, which are used by beginners, academics, and programmers, are all present in this library. Artistic activities, manufacturing automation, and computer vision are some of the projects in which OpenCV can be used.

It was originally developed by Intel and is currently supported by a cooperative open-source community. The gap between programming and visual data is bridged as Python and OpenCV get seamlessly integrated, which creates a platform where both still and moving images can be handled.

In this article, we will focus on developing an exciting visual loop by exploring Python’s usability and OpenCV’s strengths. Let us begin by going into the depths of things as we start practically implementing things by ourselves and gain better practical knowledge.

Load a Video File with OpenCV

First, since we need to import a video file into our workspace, let’s look at how we can achieve this. For video and image processing, OpenCV is essential. The tools and capabilities have a huge range through which developers, researchers, and professionals can create computer vision applications very easily. Tasks like simple picture editing to complex machine learning-driven jobs can be performed, as it is an important toolkit for anyone working on visual data

The ‘VideoCapture’ Class 

The foundation of the video processing capabilities of OpenCV is the VideoCapture class. Access to video files, webcams, and even live video streaming is made possible with this class. Developers can easily include video content into their Python programs and do many evaluations and modifications by using the VideoCapture class.

Users are given exact control over the input video stream by allowing changes to video resolution, frame rate, and other characteristics like these. With a simple example, let us see how this function works.

You can conduct your experiments with the help of the code provided below

Refer to the code explanation if you find any difficulty in the code.

import cv2

video_path = 'video1.mp4'
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)

while cap.isOpened():
    ret, frame =

    if not ret:

    cv2.imshow('Video Frame', frame)

    if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'):


The usage of OpenCV’s ‘VideoCaputre’ class with Python is seen in the provided code snippet. In a loop, the code reads and displays each frame of the video after initializing the “VideoCapture” object with the path to a video file. By using the ‘q’ key, users can get out of the loop.

Possibilities for a variety of video manipulation and analysis activities are opened up as the VideoCapture’ class may interact with videos in a seamless manner, which makes it easy to access and process video frames in a controlled manner, as in this example.

Importing Video Example
Importing Video Example

Creating the Looping Effect

Concept of Looping Videos

Video content is looped when it is repeated in a smooth manner for continuous play. The video is restarted to create an uninterrupted cycle in order to get this effect. Engaging audiences, building immersive experiences, and increasing audience engagement are contexts where this idea is frequently applied. Video frames are carefully adjusted to create the looping effect.

The last frame of the video seamlessly transitions to the first frame as it nears its conclusion, giving the impression of a continuous flow. For the manipulation to work smoothly and without apparent jumps or glitches, frame transitions must be carefully coordinated.

Creating a Looping Video using OpenCV

Please follow along with the code and refer to the code explanation following the code to gain a better understanding of the code.

import cv2

video_path = 'video1.mp4'  
output_path = 'looped_video.mp4' 

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
fps = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS))
frame_width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
frame_height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))

fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_path, fourcc, fps, (frame_width, frame_height))

frames_to_loop = 3 

while frames_to_loop > 0:
    ret, frame =
    if not ret:
        cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0)

    cv2.imshow('Looping Video', frame)
    if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

    if cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) == cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT):
        frames_to_loop -= 1


The process of making loop videos using OpenCV can be seen in the code snippet. The VideoWriter object and the VideoCapture object are initialized in order to write the looping output. Frames are written continuously from the input video to the output video, which is the looping effect and is simulated in the code.

The VideoCapture object is reset to the beginning of the video once it reaches the conclusion to keep the loop’s continuity. You can manage the output repeats by specifying the number of loops with frames_to_loop. An engaging visual experience is provided by the output video that perfectly loops the input videos. Running the above code will create a new video file that is nothing but your looped video, as you can see in the image below:

Exporting Video Example
Exporting Video Example

Best Practices and Tips

The process and results of looping videos using OpenCV and Python can be improved by following these important guidelines. Release capture and writer objects for better memory management and to stop memory leaks. Consider partial video looping to increase looping efficiency and speed up processing.

To keep the loop flowing, create flawless frame transitions using tricks like cross-fading. Make sure the loop cannot continue undetected or get boring while choosing its duration. For a balance between quality and size, choose appropriate video formats and codecs. Test the loop thoroughly on several platforms to ensure reliable playback. An amazing looping video that works well for a variety of purposes can be prepared by sticking to these guidelines.


Viewers can be provided with an engaging and immersive experience by looping videos, which provide a dynamic and interesting approach to displaying visual content. Developers and fans may both use OpenCV and Python to create looping videos by combining their respective strengths. From understanding the idea to changing the frames and applying the effect using code, this article has examined each step in the complicated nature of looping videos.

A variety of applications in marketing, art, education, and other fields will open up once you master the art of looping films by sticking to best practices and experimenting with different methods.


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