Python Set

Python Set Difference

Python Set Difference basically performs the difference operation on iterable objects and the result contains the difference between them. It contains elements that are present in the set (on which the operation is invoked) which are not present in the other sets. Python Set Difference Venn Diagram The below Venn diagram provides a much better

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Python Set Union

Union basically represents all the distinct elements of the corresponding sets altogether. Python Set union() method finds the union of the sets and represents a new set which contains all the items from the corresponding input sets. Note: If a set contains an element that appears more than once, then the output represented contains only

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Python Set Intersection

Python Set Intersection basically finds and returns elements common among the sets. Syntax: set1.intersection(set2) is equivalent to set1 ∩ set2. Arguments: Accepts one or more sets as an argument. Return Value: Returns a set as output which contains elements common to all the sets. Ways to achieve Set Intersection in Python Either of the following

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