Spell Checker in Python

A spell checker in Python is a software feature that checks for misspellings in a text. Spell checking features are often embedded in software or services, such as a word processor, email client, electronic dictionary or search engine. Building a spell checker in Python Let’s get started with building our spelling checker tool! 1. Importing

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Pandas: Conditionally Grouping Values

In this article, we’ll be conditionally grouping values with Pandas. We’ve already covered the Python Pandas groupby in detail. So you can take a look through the article if you’re unsure about how the function works. What is Grouping? Grouping a database/data frame is a common practice in every day data-analysis and data-cleaning. Grouping refers

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Easy Games in Python

Today we’re going to learn how to code some easy games in Python using a few common Python modules. Why are we using Python? Python is a well-known programming language. Python is very easy to understand and code. It is believed to be developer-friendly. Any beginner can learn to code in python within a short

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Heaps in Python

In this article, we will learn about an important Data Structure, Heaps in Python (known as heap queue in Python). We will learn about the data structure and its implementation and then look at the Python code for the same. What are Heaps in Python? Heaps in Python are complete binary trees in which each

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Python subprocess module

Hello, readers! In this article, we will be focusing on Python subprocess module, in detail. So, let us get started! What is the subprocess module in Python? Before understanding about the functionality of subprocess module, let us consider the below situation– Usually, we write code in Python to automate a process, or to get the

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