Learning Python? Things You Should Know with Growing Programming Knowledge

Choosing a career in programming is a challenging and rewarding path. In 2022 there were more than 600k open tech positions in the US, an approximate third of all job postings. Python developers are among the most sought as this programming language competes for the most popular spot with JavaScript.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the beginning steps of learning Python.

Is Python Hard to Learn?

Python is relatively easy to learn, with syntax resembling human language. Here’s how the creator of Python, Guido van Rossum, describes it:

Python is an experiment in how much freedom programmers need. Too much freedom and nobody can read another’s code; too little and expressiveness is endangered.

Python is a high-level, general-purpose language, which means it’s far from 0 and 1 and the intricacy of hardware and that it can be used for various purposes. It’s an excellent choice for a beginner as it doesn’t require as deep technical knowledge as low-level languages. The versatility of purposes allows juniors to create projects they can later include in their CV or, even better, the GitHub repository.

These are the pre-requirements that will help you learn Python:

  • Mathematics and statistics. Python is widely used in data science that deals with correlations and probabilities. An education in math and statistics will help you navigate the complexities of Python better, knowing what environment you’re in.
  • Willingness to learn. Python is continuously evolving, launching new frameworks and libraries annually. Python version 3 was released in 2008 (17 years after its initial release), and the next update is expected to arrive in October. You will have to learn alongside every update to keep your code up-to-date.
  • Career choice. Python can be used similarly efficiently by both Front-end and Backend programmers and full-stacks. As a beginner, it’s best to pick one of the two and switch to full-stack later if desired.

Some argue you need some knowledge of digitized computer systems. Although it wouldn’t hurt, all you need to know is how to turn on the device and use a keyboard to learn Python.

Python Job Positions

One of the reasons why Python is skyrocketing in popularity is emerging professions that use it. Currently, you can find Python in Netflix algorithms, healthcare databases, and even NASA. Here are the most lucrative industries that welcome Python developers with open arms.


Python is widely used in cybersecurity because it has many applicable libraries and frameworks. Cybersecurity experts can use existing tools to develop secure applications without starting from scratch. Furthermore, cybersecurity requires a general-purpose language for network security, malware detection, and task automation. You can follow this link if you want to learn more about Python and cybersecurity.

For starters, imagine a real project and start working on it. It can be a simple password manager that will teach you to create files in Python, write values, and retrieve them. The more you learn, the more features you can add, such as advanced encryption tools, a search bar, and master password authentication.

Data Analysis

Data Analysts are one of the biggest reasons why Python is so popular. Because it’s a general-purpose language, it can perform numerous data-related tasks. For example, Python is widely used in machine learning that is widely used to provide personalized experiences, like Netflix movie suggestions and Spotify playlists. Dropbox uses Python for its API and Google to maintain backend servers.

As most businesses rely on data to improve their business decision-making, retrieving, aggregating, storing, and analyzing it is as important as ever. From data scrapers to backend server security algorithms, you can meet Python at every step.

Software Development

In the US, junior Python software developers can make up to $92k annually, going up to $150k at the senior level. Full-stack Python programmers can create almost any app. Remember the Van Rossum quote – it’s a lot about freedom. Renowned apps coded with Python include Spotify, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, etc. As you can see, it’s popular among big names, so if you aim to work at something grandeur, Python will deliver.

Final Words

Python is an excellent choice for beginners, with amazing growth possibilities. Python experts that know the ins and outs of libraries like Django or TensorFlow will be in huge demand in the foreseeable future. Furthermore, because Python is easy to learn, many businesses hire junior specialists to grow them into seniors. We hope this article assists you in learning this exciting and valuable language.