Why Do Companies and Startups Choose Python?

Python has emerged as a leading programming language for both startups and established companies, prized for its simplicity and versatility. This article explores why Python is so widely used, especially in web development, and delves into its applications across different fields such as machine learning, scripting, scientific computing, and more.

Python in Web Development

Python’s adoption in web development is primarily due to its straightforward syntax, which ensures quick development and less maintenance. It supports various programming paradigms and comes equipped with a rich standard library.

Python Frameworks for Web Development


Django, often referred to as “the framework for perfectionists with deadlines,” streamlines web development by providing a high-level, integrated approach. It includes an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) that supports multiple databases and abstracts database operations in Python code, making database manipulation straightforward. Django’s automatic admin interface, a significant productivity booster, allows developers to create a functional admin interface from the models defined in the project. Additionally, Django prioritizes security and helps developers avoid common security mistakes by providing a built-in authentication system and protecting against threats like SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and clickjacking. Its scalability and versatile package ecosystem make it suitable for both simple and complex web development projects ranging from content management systems to social networks.


Flask is characterized by its minimalistic approach, offering the bare minimum to get a web application up and running, with extensions available for adding additional features as needed. This “micro-framework” is particularly favored for its simplicity and fine-grained control over its components, without requiring specific tools or libraries. It does not include an ORM or form validation tools by default, providing the freedom to choose the best components for the project. Flask’s lightweight nature makes it ideal for small-scale applications and microservices, as well as serving as a solid foundation for custom-designed web services.


Pyramid stands out with its “start small, finish big” philosophy, allowing developers to make simple applications quickly or scale up to complex applications as required. It is a flexible framework that supports both small and large applications with equal ease. Pyramid provides several templating and asset specifications, and unlike Django and Flask, it allows for choosing and using the best components for the job. Its flexibility with regard to URL structure and templating options makes it particularly suitable for projects that might start simple but grow in complexity over time.


FastAPI is the newest among these frameworks and is rapidly gaining popularity due to its speed and ease of use in building APIs. Built on Starlette for the web parts and Pydantic for the data parts, it provides automatic interactive API documentation (using Swagger UI or ReDoc) and dependency injection, which are game-changers for API development. FastAPI is designed to be easy to use with Python’s async features, allowing developers to write asynchronous applications that can handle large volumes of requests. It is particularly suited for building high-performance APIs and web applications where speed and performance are critical.


Tornado is unique among Python frameworks due to its asynchronous capabilities and non-blocking network I/O. Originally developed at FriendFeed, Tornado can handle tens of thousands of open connections at the same time, making it ideal for WebSockets, long polling, and other applications that require keeping a large number of connections open simultaneously. This capability makes it a perfect choice for real-time services, such as chat applications or live updates. Tornado’s built-in support for asynchronous operations allows it to perform well under the demand of heavy network traffic, which is crucial for high-load applications.

Pros of Using Python for Web Development

Readable and Maintainable Code

Python’s syntax is designed to be intuitive and its code readability is one of its strongest points. This makes maintenance and updates easier and helps reduce the cost of program development.

Extensive Libraries and Frameworks

Python’s extensive libraries and frameworks simplify many tasks of web development. They enable developers to perform various functions without the need to write additional code.


Python can be used on a server to create web applications, scripts, or even interface with databases. It can be used for backend logic or scripting.


Python is designed to scale. High-traffic sites like Instagram have used Python effectively to handle millions of active users.

Community Support

Python has a large supporting community with numerous guides, tutorials, and sample projects available to aid both new and experienced developers.

Cons of Using Python for Web Development


While Python’s dynamic typing and interpreted nature make it exceptionally flexible and easy to use, these features can also lead to slower execution compared to compiled languages like C++ or Java. Python’s performance might be adequate for many web applications, but it can become a limiting factor in high-performance, low-latency environments where milliseconds of delay are critical.

Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)

Python’s GIL is a mutex that protects access to Python objects, preventing multiple threads from executing Python bytecodes at once. This can be a bottleneck in CPU-bound and multi-threaded code.

Less Suitable for Mobile Development

Python is not commonly used for mobile development compared to other languages like Swift or Kotlin.

Dependency Management

Python’s package management can sometimes be a hassle, with conflicts arising between different required packages.

Asynchronous Programming Complexity

While Python supports asynchronous programming, it can be complex and the learning curve might be steep for new developers.

Using Python in Machine Learning and AI Development

AI Development Company can evaluate python’s above the other languages due to it’s simple syntax and the wealth of libraries and frameworks, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Scikit-Learn, simplify the process of developing sophisticated AI and machine learning models. These tools provide pre-built methods for a wide range of algorithms and processes, making Python a popular choice among researchers and developers in these fields.

Using Python in Scripting and Automation

Python scripts are renowned for their efficiency and readability, making Python a popular choice for automation tasks that require integration with web services, databases, or file systems.

Using Python in Scientific Computing

With libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, and Pandas, Python is well-suited for scientific computing where complex mathematical calculations and data analysis are required.

Using Python in Web Scraping and Data Extraction

Python’s powerful libraries like Beautiful Soup and Scrapy simplify the tasks of web scraping and data extraction from various sources on the Internet.


Which Python web framework should I use?

The choice depends on your project’s requirements. Django is great for larger applications, while Flask might be ideal for smaller, extensible projects.

How do I deploy a Python web application?

Python web applications can be deployed using WSGI servers like Gunicorn or uWSGI and reverse proxies like Nginx or Apache.

What are the best practices for structuring a Python web project?

Keep your code clean and modular, use virtual environments, and adhere to the guidelines of frameworks you are using.

What are the recommended tools and libraries for testing Python web applications?

Pytest and unittest are popular choices for testing Python applications. Selenium can be used for end-to-end testing of web applications.

What are the best practices for securing a Python web application?

Implement security best practices such as using HTTPS, securing cookies, validating and sanitizing inputs, and using secure authentication mechanisms.

Python’s flexibility, coupled with its comprehensive ecosystem, makes it an appealing option for a wide range of programming tasks beyond web development. Its strong position in academia and industry continues to reinforce its popularity and widespread adoption.