Pankaj Kumar

I have been working on Python programming for more than 12 years. At AskPython, I share my learning on Python with other fellow developers.

Python Logical Operators

Python Operators are symbols/words that tell the Python Interpreter to perform or execute certain manipulation tasks. The logical operators are used to combine multiple boolean statements. There are three logical operators in Python. and or not Python Logical Operators Flowchart The below image depicts the flowchart of the logical operators. Logical AND Operator in Python […]

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Python Multiple Inheritance

When a class inherits from more than one class, it’s called multiple inheritances. Python supports multiple inheritances whereas Java doesn’t support it. The properties of all the super/base classes are inherited into the derived/subclass. Python Multiple Inheritance Syntax The syntax for Multiple Inheritance is also similar to the single inheritance. By the way, the derived

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Python Static Method

Python static method belongs to the Class. They are used to create utility methods for the class. The static method is called from the Class reference. They can’t change the state of the object since they belong to the class. In fact, a static method doesn’t have access to the class attributes. The static method

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Python Classes and Objects

Python is an Object Oriented Programming(OOP) language. Object Oriented Programming is an essential concept in programming, it allows us to break the programs into reusable components, and implement the concepts like Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Data Abstraction. The classes and objects are the building block of object-oriented programing. It provides a way to concatenate several

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Python main function Examples

The idea of Python main function is to execute some code only when the Python script is executed directly. The function should not execute when the same script is imported as a Python module in another program. How to Write a Python main Function? When we run a python program, it executes all the statements

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Python ternary Operator Examples

Python doesn’t have a ternary operator. But, it supports writing an if-else statement in such a way that it works as a Python ternary operator. Why Python doesn’t have a special ternary operator? Many programming languages have ternary operators. But, their main purpose is to reduce the code size by removing simple if-else blocks. Python

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