Snehal Gokhale

Eigenvalue Decomposition In Python

Eigenvalue decomposition plays a very vital role in easing the complexity of the matrix in the Linear Algebra field. The square matrix is broken down into simple components, i.e., eigenvalues and their eigenvectors. In different machine learning and deep learning models, we need to deal with the square matrix. This matrix needs to be sorted,

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What Is Bias And Variance In Python3?

Bias and variance re­present distinct concepts in the­ fields of Machine Learning and De­ep Learning. The primary obje­ctive when working with any machine le­arning model is to achieve accuracy. By striking a balance­ between the­se two sources of error(bias and variance), commonly known as the­ Bias-Variance tradeoff, we can e­nhance prediction accuracy. This article e­xplores

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Dimensionality Reduction In Python3

To get precise outcomes, it is necessary to reduce datasets’ dimensions and features through dimensionality reduction. These datasets usually contain vast data with multiple dimensions and features. This is where various machine learning models apply dimensionality reduction techniques. Today’s exploration involves Python’s dimensionality reduction. What is Dimensionality Reduction? The data’s dimensions may be reduced by

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Cross Validation In Machine Learning

Cross validation is an important term in machine learning and deep learning models. Every machine learning and deep learning model predicts results, and we need to verify them. Cross validation is used for verification of the predictive ability of machine learning and deep learning models. In cross-validation, many subsets of data from training and testing samples are collected

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