Sqlite “Create Table If Not Exists” Using Python

SQQLite Create Table If Exists

Hey, Python lovers (specifically programmers 😂 not snake lovers) here we are on a new topic of discussion and implementation:- “Sqlite – create table if not exists using Python”.

Now we all know about a very famous SQLite plugin sqlite3 which collaborates with the default Python environment. This helps us in making real-time applications and then connecting them to the database without using localhost or an online server.

We can call SQLite3 is a type of application that runs on a local machine without any config settings. So, to make things easier we are going to write a script that will check whether the table exists. If it does not exist it will automatically create one for us. This is just like making a smart tool. So, let us go for it!

Also read: Check If a Table Exists – Python SQLite3

Creating A Table If It Does Not Exist using Python SQLite3

Create a folder named Table Creation and then add the following code in a file in the same folder.


import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect('database/school.db') # file path

# create a cursor object from the cursor class
cur = connection.cursor()

   CREATE TABLE stud_data(
       roll_no integer, 
       name text, 
       class integer, 
       division text    

print("\nDatabase created successfully!!!")
# committing our connection

# close our connection


Database created successfully!!!

We created a school database that contains a student data table “stud_data”. The table has four columns: roll_no, name, class, and division. When we visualize it in SQLite studio, this looks like this:

Visualizing The Table
Visualizing The table in the studio

Deleting the Table

Purposely we shall delete the table and then create our smart script.

Code to delete the table:

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect('database/school.db')

connection.execute("DROP TABLE stud_data")

print("Your table has been deleted!!!")


The DROP TABLE “table_name” query drops/deletes the table. Make sure to add the respective table name.


Your table has been deleted!!!

Complete Code to Create and Delete a Table

This section contains the major script that will check if the table exists or is not in the database. If the case happens then a new table with the same name and parameters is created.


import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect('database/school.db')

cur = connection.cursor() 

    cur.execute("SELECT * FROM stud_data")
    # storing the data in a list
    data_list = cur.fetchall() 
    print('Roll_Number' + '\t Name')
    print('--------' + '\t\t-------------')
    for item in items:
        print(item[0] + ' | ' + item[1] + '\t' + item[2])   
except sqlite3.OperationalError:
    print("No such table: stud_data")
    if(sqlite3.OperationalError): # if this error occurs
            print("Creating a new table: ")
                CREATE TABLE stud_data(
                roll_no integer, 
                name text, 
                class integer, 
                division text

            print("New table created successfully!!!")
            print("Here are the contents of the table: \n1: roll_no. \n2: name \n3: class \n4:division.")
        except sqlite3.Error() as e:
            print(e, " occured")



No such table: stud_data
Creating a new table: 
New table created successfully!!!
Here are the contents of the table: 
1: roll_no.
2: name
3: class
4: division.


  1. We define two try blocks. The first one checks whether a table exists or not. If not the if condition jumps to the new try block and makes a new table for us.
  2. In the first try block: Using the SQLite query: “SELECT * FROM table_name” will try to fetch all the rows and columns from the table.
  3. If the table is absent try block throws sqlite.OperationalError. The except block handles it. The if() statement under it opens second try-except block.
  4. Then the second try statement accomplishes the task of creating a new table with the same parameters.
  5. The except block checks for any common error using sqlite.Error() method and handles it.
  6. The second part of the code just executes a query of creating a new table stud_data and inserting it into our database.

Wrapping up…

This is the way we can check whether a table exists in our SQLite database or not. It’s a recommendation to understand how the code works before implementing the solution. Thanks for reading.