Built-in Methods

Python isinstance() Method

Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll go over the Python isinstance() method. A user may encounter some situations where she/he needs to determine whether an object is an instance of a specific class, mainly in inheritance. Python provides an in-built method do check the same, named isinstance(). Let’s get right into understanding this method. Python isinstance()

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The Python isdecimal() Method

Introduction We’ll be introducing the python isdecimal() method in this tutorial. What if a user wants to check whether a given string contains a number or more specifically a decimal number or not? That can be a case when the user needs to convert the string to any other number types like integer or float

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The Python float() Method

Introduction All Python features are associated with objects. Python float creates floating-point objects in Python. It is one of the primitive elements of Python programming. Further all kinds of objects are classified into types. Some of the basic native types in python are strings, integer, complex numbers and finally floating-point numbers. Focusing on the floating-point

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The map() Method in Python

Introduction The map() method in Python is vastly used to apply a function or operation on a sequence of data. The method after applying a specific function to all the elements of iterable returns a map object. This map object is iterable and can be converted to the desired form. So, let us learn how

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Python pow() method

The Python pow() function is one of the most commonly used built-in function in Python programming. It is extensively used to calculate the value of a to the power n or more specifically an. It is a very useful function when dealing with some complex mathematical calculations or sometimes for other operations. So, let us

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Python Iterator

A Python Iterator is an object that can be iterated upon. Any kind of object that supports this kind of iteration is called as an iterator. Now, you may be confused. There exists another object called iterable. What is that? Let’s take a look. Iterators and Iterables Any iterable is an object that can be

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