4 Ways to Strip the Last Comma from Strings in Python

String Function To Strip The Last Comma In Python

While printing a list one by one using a ‘for’ loop in Python, we try to eliminate the last trailing comma from the list in the output. This can be done easily in Python using the rstrip() function. There are also other ways that we can achieve the required result such as displaying only the strings up to a specified position of a string or a list or a tuple.

Removing elements from strings can be used for a variety of purposes. During text processing, some elements need elimination for increasing the speed of processing.

In this tutorial, we will look at more that just a couple of methods by which we can strip the last comma from lists, tuples or strings. Keep reading to thoroughly understand how to implement functions to strip trailing commas in Python.

To strip the last comma from strings in Python, you can use four methods: 1) Use the rstrip() function with the syntax my_string.rstrip(","). 2) Use the replace() function with the syntax my_string.replace(',', ''). 3) Use the string slicing method with the syntax my_string[:-1]. 4) Use the regular expressions (re) package with the syntax re.sub(',$', '', my_string). Each method provides a way to remove trailing commas from strings, making your output cleaner and more readable.

Stripping the Last Comma with rstrip()

The rstrip() function has a full form called “right strip”. It strips individual characters from the end of a string. This is the easiest way to strip the last comma from a string. The syntax of the function is : my_string.rstrip(",")

Let’s see how we can implement this function in Python.

#initializing the original string
my_string1="variable 1, variable 2,variable 3,"
#displaying the original string
print("The original string is= ",my_string1)
#removing the last comma from the string
#displaying without the last comma
print("The final string after removing the last comma is= ",mystring2)

The output would be:

The original string is=  variable 1, variable 2,variable 3,
The final string after removing the last comma is=  variable 1, variable 2,variable 3
Using Rstrip Function
Using rstrip() Function

Note: rstrip() only removes the specified characters if they’re at the end of the string. It won’t remove a comma if it’s followed by a space or another character.

Similar: How to remove vowels from string in Python?

Removing the Last Comma Using replace()

If only one comma is present at the end of a string then we can use the replace() function to change the comma into a space or anything else. The syntax of the function is as follows: your_string.replace('comma','with anything you want')

To implement the replace() function, you can follow the code given below:

#initializing the original string
my_string1="Our text will be here,"
#displaying the original string
print("The original string is= ",my_string1)
#removing the last comma from the string
#displaying without the last comma
print("The final string after removing the last comma is= ",mystring2)

The output would be:

The original string is=  Our text will be here,
The final string after removing the last comma is=  Our text will be here
Using Replace Function
Using Replace() Function.

Slicing Strings to Exclude the Last Comma

This method is another very common method used for stripping strings only up to the required portions or characters. The syntax of the method is: reqd_string[start:stop:step] . By default, if not specified, the starting is from the very beginning, the stop is up to the end, and the step is 1.

Let’s look at the implementation of the code:

#initializing the original string
my_string1="Askpython is the best,"
#displaying the original string
print("The original string is= ",my_string1)
#removing the last comma from the string
#displaying without the last comma
print("The final string after removing the last comma is= ",mystring2)

The output would be:

The original string is=  Askpython is the best,
The final string after removing the last comma is=  Askpython is the best
Using String Slicing Method
Using String Slicing Method.

Removing the Last Comma with Regular Expressions

The regular expression module or the “re” module helps in formatting special strings or characters. This can only be done when there are commas at the trailing end of a string. The syntax would be: re.sub(',','',your_string).

The code is as given below:

#importing required modules
import re
#initializing the original string
my_string1="Hello World!,"
#displaying the original string
print("The original string is= ",my_string1)
#removing the last comma from the string
#displaying without the last comma
print("The final string after removing the last comma is= ",mystring2)

The output would be:

The original string is=  Hello World!,
The final string after removing the last comma is=  Hello World!
Using The RE Module
Using The RE Module.

Do check out: Loops – When to use “While” or “For” in Python.


We’ve explored four methods to strip the last comma from strings in Python. These techniques are useful for cleaning and formatting your output. Each method offers a unique approach to removing trailing commas, giving you the flexibility to choose the one that best suits your needs. Which method will you use to improve your text processing in Python?