Python program to convert Kilometers to Miles

Conversion Of Kilometer To Miles In Python

In this article, we will be focusing on the Step-By-Step Approach to convert kilometers to miles in Python.

Understanding the logic behind the conversion of kilometers to miles

Let us start from the basics i.e. understanding the meaning of these measuring units. Kilometers and miles represent the units of length.

1 kilometer equals 0.62137 miles.

Conversion logic:

Miles = kilometers * 0.62137 
Kilometers = Miles / 0.62137   

Thus, the value of 0.62137 can be considered as the conversion factor or ratio for the conversion to take place.

Having understood the logic behind the conversion, let us now understand and implement the same using Python as the code base.

Easy Steps to be followed to convert kilometers to miles

By following the below steps, you all will get a clear idea about the conversion of a kilometer to miles.

Step 1: Define a variable to store the value of the kilometers or accept the input from the user.

kilo_meter = float(input("Enter the speed in Kilometer as a unit:\n"))

Step 2: Define and store the conversion factor/ratio value into a variable.

conversion_ratio = 0.621371

Step 3: Define a variable to store the value of kilometers converted to miles. Further write the logic of kilometer to miles conversion.

miles = kilo_meter * conversion_ratio

Step 4: Display the converted value using print() function.

print("The speed value in Miles:\n", miles)

Complete Code:

kilo_meter = float(input("Enter the speed in Kilometer as a unit:\n"))

conversion_ratio = 0.621371

miles = kilo_meter * conversion_ratio

print("The speed value in Miles:\n", miles)


Enter the speed in Kilometer as a unit:
The speed value in Miles:

Another simple statically defined approach can be to define a Python function to convert kilometer to miles.

def km_to_mile(km):
    con_ratio= 0.621371
    mile = km*con_ratio
    print("The speed value in Miles:\n", mile)



The speed value in Miles:


By this, we have come to the end of this topic. Please feel free to comment below, in case you come across any doubt, and yes keep trying such programming problems to enhance and sharpen your skills.

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