Python Programming Examples

What is __file__ variable in Python?

Python language combines different Built-in functions, Built-in methods, and special variables. Let’s understand Python’s __file__ variable in detail. These functions and variables make Python language easy and more understandable. There are different Built-in functions, Built-in methods, and special functions in Python which carry a special meaning and functionality with them. Let’s take an example of […]

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How to Determine Outliers in Python

In this article, we learn about different methods used to detect an outlier in Python. Z-score method, Interquartile Range (IQR) method, and Tukey’s fences method will be implemented. Python provides modules like numpy and scipy which assist us in detecting the outlier of a given data set. Understanding Outliers Outlier is python is any value

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Hawaiian Pronouncer in Python.

There are many different languages in the world. They are all unique and have their very own dialect. In the Hawaiian language, there are only 13 letters and each word ends in a vowel. Even though Hawaiian words are written with the help of English alphabets, their pronunciations are very different than that of typical

Hawaiian Pronouncer in Python. Read More »

How to Draw Shapes Without the Turtle Module in Python

The turtle module in Python is a powerful tool for drawing graphics. However, Python also offers several other libraries and techniques to create more complex or customized graphics. Python offers various libraries for creating graphics besides the turtle module. Some popular alternatives include Tkinter, Pygame, Matplotlib, and the Python Imaging Library (PIL). These libraries provide

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